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  • In this book . . .
    Aman's home is his castle, and your castle, no matter how humble, is where you spend most of your time and money. They don't call them "kitchen table issues" for nothing. Earning money and spending it is something you can do casually and sloppily, paying the price one way or another for your negligence. Or it's something you can begin taking seriously. You'll likely be shocked at the amount you waste, as well as the amount you could be retaining rather than frittering away. That's where this book comes in: helping you find out how to better handle the everyday ins and outs of your money.

    Here are the contents of Book II at a glance.
    Chapter 1: Running a Money-Smart Household ...................... 99
    Chapter 2: Home Ownership and Choosing the Right Mortgage........................................................................ 123
    Chapter 3: Avoiding Foreclosure ............................................ 139
    Chapter 4: Keeping a Lid on Medical Costs ........................... 153
    Chapter 5: Using the Internet to Help Manage Your Finances ......................................................................... 177

    Chapter 1
    Running a Money-Smart Household

    In This Chapter
    Keeping a lid on utility and service bills
    Saving money on housing, transportation, and major appliances

    So you've decided to become a frugal utility user and cut back a bit on your electricity, phone, and water use. Does that mean nothing but cold showers, dark rooms, and hot, miserable summers from here on out? No more warm, cozy winter nights? No more long-distance phone calls? No more evenings at home watching favorite movies? Hardly! Instead of living a Spartan life of shivers and shadows, pick a few ideas in this chapter to try.
    Every little bit helps, and if you combine a number of these ideas, you just may see a substantial downward shift in your utility bills and fees for other monthly services, like cable and garbage pickup.
    The first half of this chapter tackles cutting utility and service bills. The second half gives advice about saving on big-ticket items.

    The continuation/full version of this article read on site www.cassiie.com - Managing Your Money All-in-One For Dummies

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